Irrigation System Audit
Are you watering too often? Or not often enough?
Jim Austin, our irrigation specialist, will show you how to use your irrigation equipment most efficiently, and will tell you about the latest in water-efficient technologies.
An irrigation system audit by A&H includes:
- Evaluation of current and past water use
- Site inspection and evaluation of existing irrigation components (controllers, valves, rotors, sprays, sensors, and regulators).
- Uniformity tests.
- On-site training in the principles of efficient irrigation (preciptation rates, infiltration rates, crop coefficients, and root zone depths – all commonly referred to as evapotanspiration, or ET).
- Assistance in developing irrigation schedules based on ET rates.
- Emphasis on record-keeping to maintain consistency in water use over time (past schedules, current schedules, site maps, controller maps, and meter readings).
- Recommendations for increasing efficiency of water use.
- Water savings of 10% to 60%
Upon completing your irrigation system audit and implementing the recommendations of our irrigation specialist, you should expect to see water savings of 10% to 60% during each use. Learn more by downloading our free Water Savings Guide.